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urges transformer for 765 zenith

Hello friends:
I bought a zenith model lacked a valve 765 the 59 and I got but this radio has to go to 125 v I have myself a 220v transformer that transforms aa 125v what I understand as long enough maybe it will give the 500VA transformer data 50/60Hz today I will restore voyuna weekly cabinet so the urgency and if I informarais today before 6:00 tasted the radio and see if it works or does nothing.
Greetings to all.

Por favor, escribes en español. La traducción no es posible comprender.

Hola amigos:
He comprado hace poco una radio zenith modelo 765 no se si funciona le faltaba la válvula 59 pero la he conseguido lo que pasa que este tipo de radios irán a 125 v tengo un trasformador que pasa de 220v a 125v pero no sé si tendrá suficiente fuerza el trasformador para la radio os doy los datos del trasformador 500va 50/60Hz esta tarde voy a restaurar la radio ya que estoy haciendo un curso de restauración del mueble y me urge que me informarais para probar esta tarde la radio voy al curso esta tarde a las 6:00.
Un saludo.

Tu transformador se puede <OK>, pero la radio trabaje a 60 Hz, y su corriente es 50 Hz, asi la transformador en la radio tal vez va a estar calor. En los modelos "Zenith", la transformador es debil, asi tienes caution. (Espero que mi espanol es bastante bueno para comprender. Icon_smile)

For the rest of us who would like to attempt to follow along, I give you the following translations courtesy of Bing Translator (no, I do not speak Spanish either):

BrendaAnnD Wrote:Please, write in Spanish. The translation is not possible to understand.
locuspiolin Wrote:Hello friends:
I bought recently a zenith radio model 765 not is if it works 59 valve was missing but have managed it to pass this type of radios will go to 125 v have a transformer that goes from 220v to 125v, but I don't know if you will have enough strength the transformer for the radio I give the data of the transformer 500va 50/60 Hz this afternoon I will restore the radio since I am doing a course of restoration of the furniture and I urge that I know to test this afternoon radio going to the course this evening at 6:00.
A greeting.
BrendaAnnD Wrote:Your transformer can be <OK>, but the radio work at 60 Hz, and its current is 50 Hz, the transformer on the radio so maybe I'll be heat. In the "Zenith" models, the transformer is weak, so have caution. (I hope that my Spanish is good enough to understand. Icon_smile )

(I think the translator meant to say "could be heat" instead of "I'll be heat"?) Icon_eek

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN


The error was mine (this is what happens when one tries to think in two languages at 1 o'clock in the morning. I meant to type "va a estar" (it will be) rather than "voy a estar" (I will be). It is being corrected. I'm hoping that someone on the Phorum is a bit better at translation than I am. Icon_smile The online translators are misleading/confusing at best, worse than worthless at times. God help us if diplomats ever start using them. It was many times easier to read his direct Spanish than that horrid translation.

BTW, I'll try to remember, if I'm in a thread like this, to post in both English and Spanish as a courtesy to the other Phorum members (and as a quality check for MY translation!)

Brenda, puedo ayudar con los transducciones tambien.

Bueno. Icon_smile

Donde esta el bano?

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

Stai scherzando, vero?

Let's speak some Russian, shall we......у нас тут как минимум двое русских......

It is very nice that people go out of their way to help others, in any language!

This is a good place to be for radio no matter what brand or where you are.



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