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38-116 just up thge road

A 38-116 is being auctioned not far from me, a good non working original. I've been looking for one of the high fidelity Philco's and this one qualifies, it could go for less then some of the other hifi models. Is there anything about the 1938 models that should discourage me from going after, performance, other issues ?


I'm no expert. The cabinets are new for 1938, slopped face. The 1938 Model uses different audio output tubes. Unsure as to why. I'd say if you like the cabinet design go for it as the 37-116's I have seen are great radio's.


It's not what you don't know that hurts you it's what you know that's not so.

Update: for 1938 Philco replaced the 6B4G audio output tubes with 6L6G's.
This was done to eliminate hum problems that could and many times did occur with the 6B4G's if the tubes were not matched exactly. This hum is do to the directly heated cathodes used by 6B4G's. The only down side I can see with 6L6G's is they have higher distortion than 6B4G's. Though I think you would be hard pressed to tell the difference.

I also found they did a production change. Code 125 has way less trimmers than code 121 and prior. This could be for production cost saving. It should be way easier to align but most likely not as accurate.

With what I see the pre code 125 should be a better radio. Though I'd still take a code 125 for a good price. To check the code number look for the model number on the inside of the cabinet next to the chassis. The code number should be right next to it. Example
code 125

good luck let us know what happens.


It's not what you don't know that hurts you it's what you know that's not so.

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