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I've been poaching 660L

Just out of curiosity I compared the schematic of the 118 to the model 18, the circuit shows that the plate and screen of the #42 driver tube are connected together, with a .006 uf cap going to ground. Other then the frequency coverage the 18 and the 118 are very similar sets, how the drafting errors escaped proofreading I have no idea.

I thought it was Philco season... Or maybe it's rabbit or duck season... Icon_biggrin

Triode or not, I love that stealth form factor. Nice score. I bet lots of spouses - notice I didn't say "wives" - who disapprove of decorating with old radios would "allow" that beauty in a room.

Back in 1936 Philco produced two sets, the 660L and the 650H which where called the "All Period" sets. Designed to go with any room furniture style expect for Modern. The sets are similar in style. Today it might be called the Edsel.

Why Edsel? That car was the joke of the auto industry for decades.

It was meant to please everyone but pleased no one.

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