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Zenith 8s359

Yes I think I did and it was a second miswire on my part... Icon_rolleyes
Have just a 10 foot wire and picked up the strong local am station and also one of the shortwave time signals.

One tube is missing its shield which may be where some of the hum is coming from.

After aligning I am getting pretty good sensitivity on the broadcast band. Also got signal on both of the shortwave bands. Picking up many more am stations than some of my other sets. Unfortunately there is a whooshing noise that repeats about once a second. It gets louder and softer as the volume control is adjusted an seems to dissappear midband (around 1000) but returns as you continue to tune upward thru 1500. With one or two strong stations you cant hear it but on weaker stations it remains present. Any thoughts?

I realized I never did post the end of this Zenith project.  The folks I was doing it for had previously stripped the cabinet and had it looking the way they wanted it but I convinced them to at least take out the brown grill cloth and fix the broken labels and buttons.  It would look better with some toner and gloss lacquer but still looks decent I think.

[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zfv7qih62t6ppx....jpg?raw=1]

I like it Icon_thumbup I love the grain in that front veneer. I wonder if it's a maple of some kind?


“People may not remember how fast you did a job, but they will remember how well you did it”

Good job Bob, you gave that radio a second chance!   While the cabinet could use some toning it still looks pretty good and much better than a wine bottle holder painted in Ron's favorite chalk white paint (just joking Ron!).

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

LOL...yes there is always white chaulk paint....

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