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1939 Anode converter No.2

    Hi folks,
First timer so please forgive me if I've posted incorrectly.
I purchased a "Philco Anode Converter No.2" (just because it was old and I can't resist), but I have hit a wall with trying to find out what it's for or what it does. Maybe someone here would be able to help.
I look forward to any help you guys maybe able to offer and I thank you in advance.

Welcome to the Phorum!
I see you were able to post and add a pic. Unfortunately I haven't a clue as to what it is but others may.

My first guess is that it might be for electroplating; whatever it is, its a very high current device.

Pete AI2V

A couple more pics that might help. Thanks guys

Hmmmm portable!
I see an armature( perhaps a dynomotor) it may be a hv or anode supply as they say in GB.


Its the missing part from the the original Turbo Encabulator lost for all these years and now found.


Oh, my head hurts......

I guess I would have to ask what's the goesina and what the goesoutta might be. B+ from storage batteries might be, if it's old war surplus, could be almost anything terrestrial or airborne. I know this helps a lot.

Well ciaran, you've stumped the phorum I think! That doesn't happen often.

 I think that Terry figured out what it is, it's a B+ or anode supply with a dynamotor, probably for military electronic equipment, such as a radio, in a tank or maybe a "portable" base station. It does roughly what a vibrator type power supply does in a car radio, except it produces more voltage and more current, 6 volts goes in from a storage battery, and several hundred volts come out. I see that near the commutator there is a brass plate with some other information on it, that may answer some questions.

Thanks guys. As soon as I get a chance I'll post more detailed pictures. It wasn't my intention to confuse and I'm sorry for that but I knew if you guys couldn't figure it out nobody could. So again I thank you all

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