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Philco model 87

I've had this model 87 for quite a while and i figured i should get started on the chassis. I also have another one that belongs to a customer so i think i will  do them back to back. both cabinets are in very good shape so a little cleanup will be all that is needed. Underside of the chassis looks untouched .

The chassis for the customer looks all original except for the 127 tube .    Went to and found the schematic so in a couple of days i'll get started. I have i believe done a model 112 that has that big square box with all the caps inside so i ain't scared . If anyone has any suggestions or tips on this model please send them my way.    [Image:]                                                            [Image:]

Really nice condition, good luck with your resto!


As for tips, use mylars for the filters ecaps will short after awhile. Check the primaries of the rf coils, have seen a number of them open. I think about 50t of 38g is what I used. It's not real critical as the secondary is the tuned part of the circuit.
This is one I did about 5yrs ago
Take your time!

Have Fun!!
ps. Looks like your grid return lead for the 45's isn't connected

Two things:

I did 111 which is a sister superhet (this one is a TRF), same type chassis.

1. I had interstage xfmr open.
2. This fat cable, it gets really brittle. Unless you want to replace it, do not manhandle it.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Hey Mike,
> I had interstage xfmr open.
Was the core 1/2"?


This s part of the schematic showing the cap box, showing three 2mfd caps, one 1mfd cap, and two .1mfd caps, and one .15mfd cap, does anyone see anything i might have missed. they will be replaced with mylar caps. i will  check the primaries. thanks everyone keep it coming.


Hi Ron. Looks like there might be another one, .015 on the schematic listed as 31 just above the on off switch.
Good luck with restoration.


Likely. I had it shown in my 111 topic. I used Hammond instead, put it in the org clamshell, so it is fine.
It also had field coil open.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Thanks Mike I located that cap on the schematic , replaced the power cord and did all my testing today. Everything checked good so I replaced the 80 tube and powered it up for a little test. Used a two foot antenna wire and picked up many local stations. Now it time to order the caps I need and dig deep it the cap box. Here's a picture of the radio under power. [Image:]

Oh forgot to mention: the volume pot was fully open. That is it has the scale which is a cardboard covered with graphite, with a wheel for the wiper, and though there was no mechanical damage, the graphite was all but gone. Icon_smile

A big beautiful pot. Found a suitable replacement.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Caps arrived yesterday so i pulled the box today and got started on making a mess in my garage. I took the bottom off very carefully and cut the wires. Then i applied the heat and well here are some pictures of the process.







Next comes the easy part , cap replacement and the reassembling the box.

Yep...went through that several times. Putting caps in is indeed the easy and enjoyable part.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Here's a video of your set being built.
You may have seen it as it's made the phorums a number of times.
I'll mention a few things about it. The opening at :58 was "borrowed" from a radio series called Behind The Mike. Circa 1939-40. Good series for learning radio show production and enjoyable to listen to.
If you want to cut to the chase you can start the chassis being made at 10:32 and what you just got though ripping out at 12:00. Later on comes the cabinet. Wow they spray the lacquer heavy.
Sure looks like an 87 chassis!

Enjoy if you haven't seen it before.

Here is my drawing of cap mounting points 1 thru 10 , 10 being ground. the way i see it the points are in a diagonal pattern. any see it any different.



Question, are there any resistors in this box. i didn't see any. comments please.

Pretty sure there aren't. The only ones I remember are under the chassis by the RF coils. They look like paper cap mounted on a metal bracket. Those have a resistor inside. There's 3 of them.


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