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Scarce Console ?

Did not see this one in the gallery. Any info ? Seller claims it's rare.

Item number: 30033300508

EDIT: This is a custom job - a Philco chassis put into a non-Philco cabinet. Note how the speaker is not even a Philco speaker. It was never sold that way by Philco.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Sorry, add one more numeral 8 at the end of the above item number follows #300333005088

Hmmm...sure is an odd one. Quite the anachronism between the 1920s cabinet style and the late 30s chassis.

Typically, those sellers don'f know diddly-squat about radios, and if someone ever tried to put them straight, you'd get more cackling and crowing than your ears could endure.

This is a 1937 Philco chassis, installed in a cabinet from a General Motors Raio cabinet from about 1931. They did do an unusually decent job, putting a new panel in it, and a decent mounting for the Philco chassis. The speaker is, i believe, a Wright-DeCoster 12 inch; certainly not what Philco ever used. It was the custom for GM radios to have the sets done in excellent period cabinets, and the speaker always barked at the floor.

It probably works OK, but doggoned if I'd want it as it is. I'd want the General Motors chassis in it, as original.

Not to mention that an opening bid of $250 is way too much for a mutt like that. I don't know why the seller is trying to claim that they only made 40 of these , where did he get that information? That was very observant for MR. Houston to figure out where that cabinet came from, the Queen Anne style style seems to have been used by more then one manufacturer and I would not have caught that it was from a G.M.
Best Regards

Perhaps the seller is correct, they only scrapped 40 of these together... Icon_wink

"Ignorance is bliss...'til you have to fix a radio..."

Since the seller was located 45 mi n of Nashville, perhaps this was a special "one-off" Philco (aka) "Grand ol Opry" model set? Reckon? Icon_wink
Someone did a good job making & matching-up the front-panel to fit properly.
Lordy mercy, for that price, seems the seller could have included a "hank" of 20' single-strand insulated antenna wire? Icon_rolleyes
Bet the spkr used had lots of bass tone? I figure the "extended-bass" response would equal a good-rumble, such as "pull my finger" type sounds? ( just kidding again!)Icon_wink

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