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Philco ID

Found this Philco Type 60 Code 121.. However I cannot seem to find a picture of it anywhere.. Meaning the Cabinet. Did they make different cabinets for these? The knobs appear to be different also..

Here are some pictures..






Looks like the model 60 from January 1936:

Yup...the final version of model 60 Baby Grand from mid-season 1936.

Nice and clean. Icon_thumbup Get a shield on that 78 tube before you fire it up, else it will squeal like crazy.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Ron and ALL, Thanks for the info..I do not have the radio yet. What would be a good price to offer? I like the style. This would be my first one of that kind..

Any thing I should know about it??? Would Chuck have info on it?


Here's the "must read" thread for the 60.

Thanks I will look thru it..


I noticed that this set uses a lot of Backlite Caps. Values in some are .00011 ..( 110 PF)

What type of Cap would you use for them.. I cannot seem to find that value except maybe in Silver Mica?

Plus the voltage rating seems to be 1200 volts on some..

If I do get this radio I want to have caps in stock..

Also there is a Big wire wound Resistor # 47 at 35 Ohms and 235 Ohms.. I am sure if its bad I cannot get those values.. Wattage??

Condenser Bank? .09,09,05,.5 Waht caps do yopu use for them??

Sorry for all the questions but this is the first Radio of this type for me I hope??



The 110pF should be replaced with mica caps. 500V should be fine.

I believe they may be mica caps to begin with (encased in tar), but I usually replace them with new caps just to be sure.

I'll let others reply on the other questions.

Yes, 500V is more than fine. You could even go as low as 100V and still be OK as these will normally see very little voltage.

The earlier bakelite blocks using 110 pF caps actually had paper caps inside. Later versions used mica. So you can use mica or ceramic as replacements. They are not part of a tuned circuit so value and stability is not critical.

Quote:Also there is a Big wire wound Resistor # 47 at 35 Ohms and 235 Ohms.. I am sure if its bad I cannot get those values.. Wattage??

It's probably good, and if so, leave it alone.

If bad - 5 watt should be sufficient; less for the 35 ohm section (maybe 2 watts).

Quote:Condenser Bank? .09,09,05,.5 Waht caps do yopu use for them??

For .09 uF use 0.1 uF.
For .05 uF use .047 uF.
For 0.5 uF use 0.47 uF.
All 600 or 630 VDC yellow Mylar tubular.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Ok, After checking on the OSC and antenna coils. They appear to be open..

Transformer looked OK Didn't check the IF cans..

Since I cannot rewind coils and its sounds like a PITA.. I guess I will pass on the Radio.. Unless I can maybe talk Terry into rewinding coils???

If not It will be available at the get together this Sun for Terry and Friends,,


Thanks For moving this..


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