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Philco 645 Chassis Labels

I just finished restoring a Philco 645 tombstone that was missing the chassis labels (aerial, patent, model). As luck would have it there was an eBay listing recently for a 645 chassis that had clear pictures of the labels. I used Photoshop to re-create the labels based on the photos:



For comparison, here are photos of the original labels:


In order to use them as a template I corrected for perspective (the original eBay photos weren't straight on) and sized according to the marks for the original labels that I could still see on the chassis. Icon_biggrin

Hopefully someone else will find the reproduction labels useful too so I've attached them here as PDFs. It should be simple to modify them for use on other similar models as well since it's not a scan but a structured graphic.

Attached Files
.zip Philco 645 Size: 3.01 MB  Downloads: 179

Awesome, as we say in Boston wicked cool.



looks great
thanks for posting Icon_thumbup Icon_clap

Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift


Do you happen to have the Patent label in some format other than PDF.  I was hoping to possibly start with it to make a label for my 81 Jr.

Thanks, Bill

Sure - I made the label in Photoshop. Will that work for you?

Wow! That patent label must have taken hours!

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6

Ha ha. Yeah it took some time - but so does the rest of this hobby. It's a good thing. Icon_smile

Very Nice ...

Thanks, I appreciate it. I will give that a try.

Very Nice! what did you use to actually create the labels? standard printable labels from staples perhaps?

I used matte photo paper and then glued with rubber cement. That's really too thick though. I think self-adhesive paper would be best - something not too thick. I'm going to try that next time I make labels anyway.

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