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47 1230 no fm

Hi everyone. I need a picture of the 9 lug terminal strip running parallel to the bandswitch. I think there are some wires are wrong, including c419 connections. I removed c419 connections and now have hi voltage back after r100. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,Bill

Hello to everyone... please help me, Bill

Well I took a break from my 47 1230... maybe forever. I've had a 42 355 I recapped a long time ago and never really played it much. I just made an antenna with a loop wire and tuned in the 42 355. Wow! This thing plays fantastic. Stations up and down the dial and pretty good s/w. Impressive set.

Hey Bill, how is your 47-1230 going? Those are awesawe radios.

I have all the official philco tech papers for it, scanned and all. PM me if you are iintereste.

On mine, the FM is significantly lower volvol than anything else. Have you cranked up the volume?

My FM waswas playing until I interchanged its tube a couplc times and I assumed the connector had somsometh to do with that. 

There's also some 3-way cap that is leading to troubles. 

Post pictures of yours.


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