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Buenos días,
Estoy restaurando un ATWATER KENT, modelo 82. Una de las piezas que faltan es el potenciómetro. Es un potenciómetro con un interruptor de 550 ohmios.
¿Podría alguien aconsejarme dónde encontrar el componente? ¿Original o similar?
Gracias y saludos,

Ferran, prueba con Mark Oppat.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Muchas gracias !!!!
Saludos cordiales,

La página web que me has pasado, fantástico.
El viernes me enviará el potenciometro.
Gracias de nuevo.

What? English, please!

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"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

+1 what Russ said. Nevertheless, while I savor a just-finished delicious Thanksgiving dinner and let the tryptophan do its thing...and since I feel good enough today to do this...Ed, let me translate the entire exchange for you.

Ferran Wrote:Good Morning,
I am restoring an ATWATER KENT, model 82. One of the missing parts is the potentiometer. It is a potentiometer with a 550 ohm switch.
Could someone advise me where to find the component? Original or similar?
Thanks and regards,

morzh Wrote:Ferran, try Mark Oppat.

Ferran Wrote:Thank you !!!!
Best regards,

The web page that you have passed me, fantastic.
On Friday I will send the potentiometer.
Thanks again.


Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

He says Mark's website is great and on Friday his pot wll be mailed to him.

The guy is from Spain and in Spain English is not widely spoken.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Good morning,
I apologize to all. Excuse me !!!
In the rush I had not noticed.
And I take this opportunity to wish you a happy Thanksgiving party. I know it is very popular in your country.
Best regards,

No problrm.


We are a couple of hrs. behind on the turkey (West Coast time).

"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

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