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53-956 Philco

Working on this radio, and its has a 25MFD@25Volts Electrolytic in the schematic,  and I have a 22MFD@25Volts non polarity cap, plus a 25MFD@50Volts polarity cap, question is can I user a non polarity cap in this situation or just go with a polarity electrolytic. Plus the 25MFD@50Voltsis about 25% of the size.
All help is appreciated,

I would use the 50 volt cap FWIK it costs less and will work. Non-polorized caps are a bit more costly value for value... chas

Pliny the younger
“nihil novum nihil varium nihil quod non semel spectasse sufficiat”

As Chas said. The type of the cap in this particular application does not matter much, so pick the one that is easier to solder/cheaper...easier to work with.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

I am putting the finishing touches to this radio. AM plays fine, FM nothing at all.
What am I not seeing, or in this case not hearing.
Thanks to all that has helped me on this project. It been a labor of love.

Had the same problem with mine AM good no FM changed the 12AT7 FM was working then changed the 19V8 big difference in FM. Find that having extra 12AT7 tubes is a good idea if you are playing FM on tube radios.

Thanks David

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