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I have what appears to be a 3-way portable radio that looks and works like an old roll-top desk. It's a Philco, but I can't find the model number on it anywhere. Good-looking wooden cab portable. Has one loktal and 4 mini tubes. Any ideers?

I CANNOT get my 89 to oscillate!!! ARGHHHH!! When I get back to it, there are ways to combat this in Chuck's schematics on this model. I will try to bake the osc. coil with a heat gun and try different 36s. What a PITA!! Icon_cry I will actually have to READ what Chuck sent about oscillator problems.

Then I have a Philco Jr. model 80 to tend to. 4 tubes?? A CURTAIN BURNER? I hope it has a transformer power supply, but haven't checked it out yet. I may have to employ Chuck for the schematics. I always do. Man that cathedral is tiny!

Steve McDonald

Your portable could be a 46-350...

a 48-360...
(Incidentally, I now own a 48-300, and will be adding a photo of it in the Gallery soon.)

or a 49-607.

On the 89, also read these pages.
(Only use that last page if there is no way you can get that 36 tube to oscillate. This is a drastic modification.)

Finally, don't worry. The 80 has a power transformer; it is not a curtain burner.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN


I suggest you remove the oscillator coil and bake it in an oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. The heat from a heat gun could easily be too much for that coil. A controlled 200 degree heat will not harm the coil.

Set it on an old metal pan, covered in aluminum foil so the wax that will drip off goes onto the foil, not the pan.

Let it cool, make sure the windings are good, and reinstall.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

OH MAN! Removing that osc coil? YUCK! I'll do it if I have to though. What the heck, my 19LZ has the same chassis as 89, but WITH a shadowmeter. It's RF coil opened on me! Back out it has to come. I'll end up being a real champ at doing these darned things. BAH!
The portable turns out to be a 48-360. Faux alligator skin! Real clean, but there is a big X on the top of the filter can. I hope that doesn't mean.....there must be NINE sections on that sucker! I get all the luck, lol . I wonder what a faux alligator looks like...??

Steve McDonald

The portable turns out to be a 48-360, faux alligator skin and all. I wonder what a faux alligator looks like....?? It's in great shape. Too bad it didn't have a battery in it to have Bill the battery-maker make a replica battery for it.
Gee, I can't WAIT to remove that oscillator coil on the 89! 19 wires and all! But I may have to do just that. I'm not afraid to do it, but I AM lazy! Icon_problem Hmmmm, maybe I can do it up like one of those Thomas repro things, with an MP-3 player and CD player. Ron, you can smack me at any time! Icon_thumbdown
Then I have two 38-10s with the same problem.. the rubber separating the tuner frame and the chassis is gone. If you've never seen the tuning cap on one of these, you really should! I don't quite know how to address that, so the 2 clone radios languish. I have a whole lineup of Philco radios waiting for a turn on my bench.
Thankfully, that Philco 80 has a power transformer. And it has 2 36s in it!! I hope it will oscillate! HEE HEE HEE!
Then, I've never finished that %&@(^*^(&%^& 16B that only has audio. I will have to learn to use a signal tracer to figure out where my boo-boo is.... I will eventually finish all these before I croak....I HOPE!

Steve McDonald

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