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What model is this Trutone?

Thinking about buying this Trutone teledial floor model radio from a private party and cannot figure out the model number. The seller can't find any markings either.
Has anyone ever come across one of these?
I believe it is an 11 tube radio with a 12 inch speaker.

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I have seen a few different makes/models with the Wells Gardner telidial setup. I have a couple Canadian versions, as Dominion Electrohome used Wells Gardner patents in Canada, in exchange for producing chassis for them.

Brad, This looks just like a Wells-Gardner A-2 series.  Riders volumes 9 & 10 under Wells-Gardner.  Radio Attic has a photo of a restored one.  Joe


Matthew 16:26 "For what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?"

I was just thinking that it has a Wells Gardner look about it, Western Auto Supply marketed "Trutone" as it's private label brand, and had a number of manufacturers make sets for them. I think that Grimes Phonola/Dominion Electrohome used to build chassis designed by U.S manufacturers under license, I have one that is an exact copy of a U.S Radio and T.V "Gloritone" model 27, with that weird upside down chassis, but in a slightly different cabinet, branded as a "Dictator" the Hudson's Bay Co. private label brand.
Happy Christmas
Happy New Year

Quote:I was just thinking that it has a Wells Gardner look about it, Western Auto Supply marketed "Trutone" as it's private label brand, and had a number of manufacturers make sets for them. I think that Grimes Phonola/Dominion Electrohome used to build chassis designed by U.S manufacturers under license, I have one that is an exact copy of a U.S Radio and T.V "Gloritone" model 27, with that weird upside down chassis, but in a slightly different cabinet, branded as a "Dictator" the Hudson's Bay Co. private label brand.
Happy Christmas
Happy New Year
U. S. Radio and Television Corp. was a company based out of Marion, Indiana, and I had an old Cathedral radio by them a Model 99A that used the "Gloritone" Trademark that I completely restored electrically and also the cabinet as well, and it was absolutely beautiful when I got done with it, but I ended up selling the unit.

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