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1949 philco need help restoring

I just inherited a 1949 philco Model 49-1606 entertainment center from my Great Grandfather.

Trying to get advice on how to restore this and get the radio/and record player to work
and where to buy records for it.

Anybody know if these are worth more than 200 restored?

704 575-3123

As for restoration, which will involve servicing/restoring the record player and possibly rewiring the chassis (rubber jacketed wire, most likely will crumble, most 1960-s Philco are like this), with possible dealing with FM tubes that may or may not be readily available (with enough prayers they might be good; mine was, even though mine is FM1000, made of unobtanium....)...all this, it will be involved process, though the result might be nice.

As for the price, this one I have not seen much, so if properly restored and the right buyer comes along, quite possible. Consoles are not very popular, but if someone specifically wants a console with FM and a changer, and it is in fully working shape, I do not see why that rare someone would not pay at least $200 for it, considering the trouble it takes to bring it to working shape.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Welcome to the Phorum, Steve! Our Philco Radio Library has the service information you will need.
Take care and BE HEALTHY! Gary

"Don't pity the dead, pity the living, above all, those living without love."
Professor Albus Dumbledore
Gary - Westland Michigan

Welcome to the Phorum!
Schematic for the chassis:

Fortunately your set does not have the FM1000 tube which is very hard to find these days. Tubes are often still good but should be checked with a tube tester. There is at least one vintage radio club in your area that you can surely find some local help as well. See:

Info on phonograph if it is still the original M-9:
or possibly

Repair of the electronics will take some work assuming it has not been restored recently. I would start with the radio chassis since that needs to work to be able to hear the phonograph. All the paper and electrolytic capacitors need to be replaced. Usually any mica caps are still good. Check and replace any out of spec resistors and as Mike, said check for crumbling wire insulation. You'll need at a minimum a soldering iron and a multimeter. Once the set is working an alignment of the set can improve things and will require a signal generator to adjust things. Our resources pages are helpful for finding components:

Take some time to read through some restorations in the Phorum threads to get an understanding of some of the techniques used. There are Service tips available in our Library at be sure to scroll past the "Rons Radios" section as there is a "Techniques" section below it. Take your time, take lots of photographs as you go to help put things back together correctly. Its best to replace one item at a time although in some situations that is difficult to do because components are often close together.

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