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9S262 - getting started

After 74 posts, shouldn't we be be close to end?

Quote:well, typically resistors don't short out if simply degrading over time.
That's generally true of carbon resistors but not necessarily of wire wound.


It worked. I mean, the 0603 resistor idea.
I think it is a simple and easy fix, works as expected.


The 0603 1M thick film resistor with soldered 28 gauge wire leads.

Same compared to 1M 1W through-hole, app. size of that in the tube socket.

Inserted in the socket.

After this the tube works, the sector tracks the signal.
I suspect the 6U5 would work better, as it is the exact equivalent of the 6T5. But I am OK with 6E5. I expect it will work even better once I replace some tubes that I suspect may be somewhat lazy by now.

Yesterday was somewhat of a setback. While trying to put the chassis backin the cabinet, And then taking it back, I knock slightly the tonecontrol switch over the back board and the epoxy cracked.
While trying to fix it, I inadvertently pushed a tuning cap gang wire and it touched the AC input.
So I spent a good hour trying to understand why the radio was so out of alignment and whining so badly while playing wrong stations.

Eventually I fixed it, but need to re-glue the tone switch.
Oh well...

Well....I was thinking why my shortwaves a bit shy and the sector on my 6E5 is not fully closed, even when a local station is playing really loud.
Then I was thinking, why when I put my finger close to the detector, the volume really goes up.
Then I thought the 1st RF Amp tube was bad, but it is good. Then I took it out and the radio played same as with it in.
So....I measured the plate

In short, the coil connecting the plate to the B+ is open. I was hoping to eschew the winding such luck.

...OK. I have just removed the coil. Good news is this is superficial three turn winding and easy to repair. The tear was close to the end of the first turn. Will buy the wire tomorrow.

Yesterday I bought some #30 magnet wire in Radio Shack. The gauge was probably twice what's needed, but this was not important in this particular case.
Re-wound that section. Thought of putting it back today, but then, having come home late night after a good drinking party, I felt inspired and soldered the choke back about some 2am.
It worked fine, eventually the eye tube started closing, and the "Local/Long distance switch" was making difference (was not before), and I caught some nice loud music and other stations on SW (foreign).
The music was Mid-Eastern, so I went back to "Good time oldies" station on Standard Broadcast.

The undertaking proved to be much easier than anticipated - the de-soldering was a snap (I expected it to be finicky), the choke came out nicely, and restoring 3 turns was easy also. Soldering back, even considering 7 hours Russian soul-warming drinking, took me 15 minutes tops.

It's good the other section was intact - otherwise the sailing would not be as smooth.

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