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Philco 37-116X What's The Price Point?

Sure, I kind if figured that, but knowing how a carbon comp resistor is built any lead movement should make for some bad measurements. There must be a large contact area for the lead.

Sombody's going to tell me where all these wires go - - - right?!!Icon_lol


Not to throw cold water on buying a 37-116, but as was pointed out consoles can often be very difficult to get rid of. A house with a console in every room certainly isn't going to please the spouses, nor would four consoles in one room make much sense- that would look more like a store.

The 37-116 is not an especially rare model; I would wait to find a more unusual console, one with striking design and performance. You may want a model that's easier to work on. The 37-116 is not really difficult once you have unsoldered about 8 wires to the RF deck, and then taken on the mechanics of the dial.

My house is large but I allow myself only one console (presently an Atwater Kent) but I have many tabletop radios of all sizes that are easily rotated for display and use. The current rotating "display" radio is a 37-670 tombstone.

Pete AI2V

Our house is large too, but most of our radios are displayed in our 2000 sq ft shop. THIS ONE goes in the living room because both my wife and I like it. In our opinion it is very nice looking and classic, one of Philco's best, both visually and electronically (pre-WW II). And, no, it is not all that hard to work on.

And it weighs too much to "rotate" vey often.

About 17 wires counting the ground.

Here is a picture of one of the caps that is "not really difficult" to replace - once you have pulled the sub chassis and all 17 wires. This one has been restuffed (of course) and remounted already. There are 2 in similar positions. Remember, this is also with the sides of the sub chassis removed. You can see the .05(mf).



I tended to find the RF deck leaning more towards the difficult, but I am not what I would call a "skilled technician."

I have a model 116X, a 37-116X, and a 38-116X in my living room. Also have a 116B with 116X speaker/chassis installed and a custom highboy cabinet with a 116B chassis/speaker installed there as well. I would love to add a 116B non-shouldered tombstone. There are witnesses out there who have seen this. When I figure out how to use radios for furniture my victorian couch, chairs, and marble-topped tables will all be replaced with radios.

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