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52 transitone no reception all of a sudden

Hey Gang,
My 52-541 transitone has been playing really good lately, I had it on for about four hours yesterday, it all of a sudden went to loud static. no reception anywhere, volume control does work, and will silence the static.
I tried all new tubes, checked antenna connections, looked underneath for loose conections, nothin.... I unsoldered the oscillator transformer, and both IF xfmr's, all ohmed out to within .2 ohms of spec. put it back together its working...... Its been playing on the bench for the last three hours.Icon_crazy...anyone have any suggestions? is one of the xfmrs opening up intermittantly?


Bad caps in the IF transformers will do that. You can troubleshoot it with the use of a signal tracer. Check for the static on either end of the IF transformers.

I dont have a signal tracer, yet, I'll be lookin around for one though. Are there any other tests I can do, other than just replacement?

I did open up the IF cans, very delicate stuff in there, those internal caps are very simple, and exposed to the air. It looks like a piece of paper riveted between the plastic housings. If were to replace them, what should I go with? silver mica?? What pF?

BTW the stupid thing is still playing this evening, about seven hours now....

Well if you just want to replace them they are around 100-120mmfd sm. Chop out the old and solder in the new. You will need to align the IF after replacement. Should have a good sharp peak with the proper cap. Don't know of another test for them other than listening to them.

Hard to troubleshoot or speculate when it is working. Could have been just a bad solder joint and you "fixed" it.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

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