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37-84 whistles

Working on a 37-84 after fighting all of the crap a previous repair person left in it, I went for the power up. all I get is whistles in certain places on the dial that cannot be controlled by the volume control. I am going to peek at the osc coil primary ans see if it is toast as it has been on many others I have read about.

I have rebuilt all bakelite blocks, replaced the filers and replaced out of spec resistors.

anything else?

Ok so if I am reading schematic right the coil is good on both primary and secondary and show no signs of corrosion. , However I did not find all the crap from previous repair man. I keep finding bad bad solder joints. They had clipped components instead of unsoldering then just tack soldered back to post so the joints break off. I am wondering if they used acid core solder as well.

Don't forget to check the regeneration control - if advanced too far clockwise, the set will go into nothing but squeals and oscillations on every signal.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

OK that may be it I can pick up my transmitter in the house good and it sounds good, any other signal squeals.

Yep that was it. I can pick up 1560 good as well. I need a longer antenna to really test it. I had never seen so may broken solder joints and cold solder joints in my life.

Good deal! Icon_thumbup

Remember, when you attach a longer antenna, that you will need to readjust the regeneration control.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Did the alignment on it and now I get 1 more station 1450. I can barely hear 920 and can't hear 570 at all. ( the other local stations.) i will keep the regen control tweeked as I add antenna. this seems like a hybrid TRF/superhet set. have not tried longer ant yet

The 37-84 isn't the hottest iron in the fire but it should easily pick up all your local stations. Keep digging!

Ok a little more alignment tweeking and i have all the locals. longer antenna will help. (using less than 10 ft)


Here is an example of the BS I fought in this set. Someone had cut the lead close then tacked it back. when you touched it the solder connection would break. I found this type of stuff on the wires hooked to the bakelite blocks the wire had been cut then tacked back on. I had to clean no telling how many cut wrapped wires off the leads on the bakelite blocks.

Thank the Lord the technician was not s doctor.

btw this went home with it's owner this last week. it was their grandfather's radio. Boy did they enjoy seeing it work.

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