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Question about model 116

There is a Model 116 on Ebay. Here is the link:

I am considering placing a bid on it and notice it has what looks like 2 switches and some sort of control knob on the side. The rear view shows another switch mounted on a metal bracket and some sort of chassis mounted on the side of the radio.

Does anyone know what the chassis mounted on the side is and are all these original? I don't want to bid on it if these were added by someone later on.


John K.

Appears heavily modified for who knows/knew what.....knobs, switches, an extra chassis bolted to the cabinet interior with holes thru the wood side. Yikes!

OK Chuck, thanks for the reply. Sounds like I should pass on this one.

John K.

Chuck Schwark Wrote:Appears heavily modified for who knows/knew what.....knobs, switches, an extra chassis bolted to the cabinet interior with holes thru the wood side. Yikes!

I saw this one as well, not to buy, but I shook my head in disbelief with that awful modification that took place. Good move for you not to buy. What I cannot believe is the going price now. I smell a hoax.

73 de,


No shilling going on. I know the high bidder. But I fear he does not realize how heavily modified this 116B is. I will contact him and let him know...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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