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RE: Philco 45 Butterfly jumper??

I got this radio on ebay fully working and picking up stations so he stated, but it was for restoration or parts. I got it, hooked it up and when I raised the voltage I got nothing. I contacted the seller and he said:

"jumper-out" a power cord. Without restoring or adding any parts I was able to power up and receive many stations all across the AM Broadcast Band. I do know some components, wiring, etc. need replacement. However, with power carefully applied, check the AC voltage across the Off/On switch and then check the DC voltage on the electrolytic capacitors and plate/screen (pins 2 & 3) of the type 42 output tube

Can someone put this in laymans terms? He bypassed something to get it to work so The problem has to be between the power line and where he jumped.

Any help is appreciated

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
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I think he is saying the on/off switch is bad and he "jumped" across it

Well, DO NOT DO IT. It is plain dangerous and stupid.

What he could be saying is the cord is so bad you have to bypass it running wires from your Variac to where the cord solders inside. Or the switch is bad.

No. No power up.

Do NOT cut corners. Do all by the book.

Ok I don't have a variac so I guess i have to do something else. The radio turns on and lights up but there is nothing else. sorry I didn't explain well enough. He got it to play so there is something funky going on.

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6

An alternate way to power up slowly is a dim bulb tester. It provides power at a lower voltage for that first power on and gives you an indication of high current draw due to shorts. After you see that things seem to be OK, you take the dim bulb tester out of the circuit (or you fix problems and try again). See Phil Nelson's page:

There is no speaker on that chassis and you will need the field coil and speaker to get that chassis to operate. If you dont know exactly what you are doing then dont even try.


Not your chassis greg, the one that came with the cabinet I got a week or 2 ago. It has the speaker and all the parts I think.

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6


A variac is a bare necessity. One of the first things I got.
And yes I powered my first radio using a lightbulb in series

Sorry Kirk, had them mixed up.


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