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Need Advice Again: Philco 38-7 Console

Hi guys,

I have a chance to buy a Philco 38-7 console radio. Cabinet has it's share of dings, but it's not totally ragged out but in need of refinishing, dial is ok, has station call letters on dial itself, rust on some tube shields, and power transformer, rectifier tube replaced, there's a switch on the rear of the chassis that looks like it's been added, penciled in are radio/phono near it, speaker is present and looks ok, there's a socket for a lamp hanging loose, but looks like the dial lamp socket is in it's proper place & no antenna apparently. Looks more or less like it's got expected wear and tear, needing restoration, etc. Power cord probably isn't original as it looks pretty good. It's a thrift store. They want $75 for it. The guy who does the pricing is away for the day. It's been on the floor for about (2) weeks, but there is road construction nearby so it may have impeded traffic quite a bit. I'm going back tomorrow to see if they'll lower the price any. They don't know if it works, or at least that's their claim. Tell me, is it worth trying for? My camera is on loan or I'd have snapped a few frames. Thanks.



If you can get the guy down towards $40 you might have a decent bargain. The 38-4 and 38-7 had the same dial (concentric tuning) but the 38-4 is an 8 tube model where the 38-7 has only 6 (if not mistaken). These are nice models with well made cabinets but they are quite common with a ton of them made. Again it is a judgement call on the price but I would try to work the seller down as much as possible, while the cost of shipping is not an issue the price is higher than what you would see them for on ebay and some of Philcos higher tube count 38-38 models are going for around the same price.

Well, I couldn't budge the guy down enough on the price. $75 is a lot for that radio to start with, I think, and the cabinet needs nicks and dings fixed as well as a good refinish. The chassis is of course an unknown quantity. I just thought if I could get a good price I could save it for trade bait for something I really want. Thanks for the info and everything. Don't know what I'd do without you guys.


I'm new to the whole vintage radio thing, but I just recently picked up a 38-5 for $75. The cabinet is in good shape with some peeling veneer, and needs re lacquered, the chassis is complete and mostly original, only been repaired once maybe twice. 90+% original. I feel it's worth about what I paid for it.

So, I'd say the price was awful high for what you were looking at. Just my opinion though.


I agree, John. I'm also very new to the restoration aspect, tho I've had the fascination for these old hollow-state friends for a long time. It would've needed quite a bit of money and time in restoration. A rusty pwr. xfmr. and tube shields show it wasn't especially stored with care. The dial was something I'd never seen before, still, it wasn't a "keeper", I had an eye on it because of potential trade value. I had no clue until I made a post on the forum. It's quite a common radio, so I think I can do better. I'm not familiar with the radio you just got, John, but I'm glad you found a good deal. Sounds like you're quite happy with it. Good show. Continued good luck, hope you keep finding some real keepers! Icon_biggrin


If it were a 38-4 in good shape then maybe 75 would be a good price, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> The 38-5 and the 38-4 are both 8 tube units with PP output. I like the dial on my 38-4 and have a few spare ones (with different station call signs on them) but many collectors don't like the funky tuning lift and set or use the strange veneer tuning by pushing and truning on the other edge. The 38-4 is a bit less "plain jane" than the 38-7, if you ever get one and need a dial I can look at my spares for the call signs you are looking for. The 38-5's are more sought after because they have the typical tuning and also have a shadow meter, Keep looking and checking on ebay and put a "wanted" in the classifieds since these are common models.

Thanks, 'stude. I'll keep that in mind. This thrift store guy was telling me he could sell the dial assembley by itself for $50. That may or may not be true, I just don't have that much experience with these wonderful old hollow-state friends yet.


Those type thrift-store owners really amuse me! I would tell them to accept my "counter-offer",... of paying me $50 to haul it off for them! Unless the "thrift" owners agree to let me pull-chassis to inspect underneath for previous hack-jobs,spkr cond, tube filament continuity, etc,... all they have displayed is a "looker set" at best to be used as a antique table-lamp holder! If they confess they "plugged it in to see if it works", I knock off another $50 just in case they got the power trans hot and didnt even know it! However, there are always people who buy certain sets just to "look at", sitting in a corner. Not me, if I cant buy em cheap enough to be worthy of doing a complete electronic restoration before ever plugging them in, Im not interested in dealing with these "ya-hoos" antique dealers. Buyers can get "screwed" fast if you dont know what to "inspect" very carefully before purchasing! A pretty cabinet can be very deceiving!! Remember that 18 yr old female "hottie" you always wanted to date in high-school? (hee hee) Thrift-store owners Vintage Radio priceguides they go by are deceiving at best, for ANY set!, in "electronically" unrestored condition period! The best way to approach these type sellers, as you are "taking a chance" as purchasing as a parts-set only at best, nothing more, because the cost of getting it restored comes into play then! Philco dials are plentiful on eBay (if your patient).. in finding them!
Another option in dealing with sellers like that is to say.... "ok".... go ahead and pull the dial, sell it for $50 on eBay, and I would offer you $5 for the rest as a parts-set! ... then, watch eBay and find another dial for cheap! Theres more than one way to deal with sellers like that indeed! Let it set there awhile, then go back with your "counter-offer"! If its gone, dont worry! Theres plenty vintage Philcos left out there that can be bought for much less! Vintage Philcos kinda show-up when you least expect it, at many a nearby 2nd hand store! Icon_wink

Randal, what the heck would I do sans guys like you and Ron and Chuck and Bob and Phil and...Thanks for looking out for me. This guy had a rapid-fire delivery of a plug in whatever appropriate component-type spiel to fit any occasion, seemed to me. I had to grit my teeth to withstand his condescending manner. He came across like a used car salesman. Actually he was rather insulting, but I didn't want to cause a counter stir. I think he's in the wrong place. I don't normally associate a guy like him with a thrift store. I'd expect that more readily from an antique dealer. It turned out that this particular dealer I got the 41-255 from earlier this month was much more agreeable to haggling.

As I may have mentioned this thrift shop guy, (he's almost a deadringer for Huey Lewis), claimed he could sell the dial assembley itself for $50 from the 38-7. If so, I hope he knows how to remove it without damage. The tube shields and the pwr. xfmr. were rusted and that's kinda scary looking to me, plus I couldn't see too well into the cabinet so I don't know if there was rust elsewhere. The rear chassis apron had a toggle switch that looked like it was added because the hole was warped and it didn't sit in right, looked sort of CENSORED-eyed to me. The speaker was present, looked intact but definitely showing it's age, unlike the speaker in the 41-255 I got for $25, talked down from $35, that didn't even look "tired". I agree, it'd be interesting go by there in a couple weeks to see if it's still there. But without the help of you fine gentlemen I'd have been clueless as to the value of this set. I , due to inexperience, thought it may have been a rare item due to its unusual dial. You could've seen the dollar signs in my eyes, like Daffy Duck, with a sneaky look of greed spread across my beak.

Have another round. Bless you guys. I just hope sometime I can in at least some small measure repay your kindness. Cheers!


Yep, just go by there in a couple of weeks, and have another quick look at it. Leave your name and number. Then don't worry about it anymore.

When he sees that it is not going to sell and he needs the space, he may call you. Unless he's the kind that would trash a set, rather than to give you a good deal on it to save the set.

There's one little thrift shop here that has had a Zenith tabletop wood set (complete with asbestos sheet) and they have a $75 tag on it, It's a $10 set, pushbuttons, and maybe an eye tube. But it's been there for over 2 1/2 years now and last time I asked they did not want to make a deal on it.

Went there the other day, it's still there in one of the back rooms. One knob now missing.
What's up with these people? They have rent to pay store overhead etc. I know they are there to make oney, but they probably sidn't pay more than a few dolars for it. OR maybe they did pay a lot, thinking it was worth more.

Good luck,

Thanks, Gary,

Hard to tell what the deal is but this guy sounds like he just doesn't want to haggle. I don't think he paid that much for it. Just a couple days ago there was a nice clean one on ebay. I don't know if it was the 38-7, or the higher tube-count 38-4, but I think it was the '7. This auctioneer wanted an opening bid of $300 on it, but they estimate $700-900, no kidding! It is item # 150258567597. Maybe the thrift store guy saw the ad, or maybe he's smoking something in the back room. Icon_smile I admit that I saw the same thing and had $ signs in my eyes. I thought $75 for this and I can turn around and make a killing on it?!! But then I asked you guys and you said it's pretty common. UPDATE: I checked again and this 38-7 still is up for auction, with 0 bids. Just type "Philco 38-7" in the search window because if you add "Radio" like I did it won't show up.


We have a local "Antique Mall" here under 1 big roof in a huge metal bldg with no AC or heat. It is miserable shopping there just about anytime of yr because of the extreme inside temps except for late fall or early springtime. The owner of this huge, huge un-insulated metal bldg (barn) "rents" spaces to vendors to set-up many 10'x20' spaces and assigns them a "booth #". The actual-owners of the goods for sale are never there, period! The guy that runs the place has a comfortable small "insulated" office up front that he sits in and stays cool, or warm, while the shoppers "smelter or freeze" shopping there depending on the time of yr in the un-insulated part of the bldg. The owners job is to "call" via phone, the people (owners) that rent his booths, to submit "counter-offers" on the tagged prices on all items in the many separate booths he rents.
I have fun with that "junk-packrat", everytime I go there! On purpose!! I have him make as many calls to the owners of the separate booths rented as possible, for mdse Im not even interested in buying just to keep him busy, and "earn" abit of the easy- money he charges his booth-renters! He absolutely hates seeing me walk in there! Payback is "h**l", for overpriced junk, if you just know how to approach these type people!! If I see some item Im seriously interested in purchasing from any of those rented-booths, I hand write the owners a friendly-note, and leave the note in the owners booth for them to find whenever they come in to check their rented booths with my ph # on it, and description of item Im interested in! I get plenty calls-back from the owners of the items Im interested in, once they actually inspect their rented booth and find my note! There is always a way to eliminate the "middleman"!! I have purchased many vintage radios for less than 1/2 price of the actual-owners "tagged price", once I get to do business with the owners and meet them there in person with "cash-ola"!! Icon_wink

Icon_biggrin Icon_biggrin !!!Ha, ha! That's great, Randal, sounds like you know the ins/outs of that antique mall. We have one of those here also, and I just went there for the first time this past Tuesday. They have booths for the renters, about 60 different people renting space. One guy had only radios, maybe 40 or so, mostly small table top plastic radios from the 40's and 50's. There was one nicely restored Philco tabletop radio, a 38-something or other. Had I known of the technique you employ I would've tried that myself. This particular radio was $100, not too bad a price, but had I gone for it I wouldn't have had enough in reserve to try for this local-pickup console Philco that's on ebay right now, one that my father used to own.

Thanks for the tip. That's funny that you've found a way to needle that guy in his nicely comfy, environmentally-controlled little office! Icon_biggrin!!


Icon_wink ..I never "needle" folks unless they deserve it! The guy that owns that huge Antique Mall building,... and rents all those many booths monthly ,always trys to "step in" the middle of the asking price and only drops 10% as he claims is his agreement by the actual owners. That may be true, however, it doesnt take a genious to figure out that he has his "booth-renters" ADD 20% to every item in their booths to get him his actual 10% once the items sell.
I have asked him many times to provide me the actual ph#s to the owners of mdse Im interested in. Thats when he really gets "po'ed"... and says NO! (hee hee)! He gets that "used car saleman poker-face",.. and returns to his nice-comfortable office!
It would take a real-stupid vintage radio collector to put the "best" collectible sets in places such as these, and leave those rare vintage beauties in "charge" of some idiot that sits in a air-conditioned office!
Can you just imagine the little-kids passing thru a vintage radio booth ( day after day) with a rare Philco model 90, and pulling-off a "orig knob or 2" while his parents werent looking?... or better yet, knocking it on the floor altogether!? Ol antique mall owner "Homer" in his nice comfortable-office would never know, and/or, could care less except he gets his monthly money for his rented booths!!
You bet, I have lots of fun with that guy, and would "never-ever" consider renting a booth to let him be in-charge of!! I keep my vintage-collection in my own 1200 sq ft (antique Radio museum),... where "nut-cases" like ol "Homer",,... will never profit from things he knows absolutely nothing about in the 1st place!! Sure is fun to get him "stirred-up", though!! Doesnt take much!! All I gotta do is show-up!!
If you see some item your interested in in a antigue-mall setting, just remember to leave a friendly-note to the owner placed under the mdse your interested in. Be "specific", and leave your name & ph #. The actual-owners of all this junk need to sell items, just to pay the rent on their booths! They WILL bargain, if you can talk to them in person indeed! Icon_wink

I see what you mean, Randal. Some folks seem to be real meddlers. And I can easily picture somebody's knobs getting yanked off, or worse. I think I may have seen some actual damage to a 1938 Philco I was interested in, all nicely restored except there was a circular chip in the dial glass. I guess I would worry myself greyheaded were I to leave some real prizes to the tender mercies of anyone wandering thru. It'd depend on what kind of relationship the mall owner has with the renters. How much or how little does s/he look out for the people trying to sell their radios and such. Sounds like this space renter doesn't give a hoot as long as he's cozy in his own little world. And he probably doesn't know an antenna trimmer from a fieldcoil from a screen grid. But thanks for the advice. Along with my name and phone #, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to ask if they have a specific make/model that I'm looking for. Something to consider anyhow. And if I were to have a booth that's largely unattended, I'd put the good 'uns on a higher shelf out of reach of the little kids who may be set loose to be "baby-sat" while the parents wandered off to do their thing. But I'd never do it. I'd ride shotgun, even over my more common, less valuable merchandise. It sure sounds like you have a sweet setup. I wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of your shop. Y'know, somebody on ebay was offering up a lighted Philco advertising sign. Only problem was that is was local pick-up only and was too far for me. That'd be a really cool addition to having a bunch of venerable old sets from the past.

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