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What have I taken on! Silvertone 45 Restoration FINISHED

I got this today...

Not only was there a mouse nest but clay hives all over it. The mice even ate the cardboard for the coil windings.
I havent touched it to see what is underneath but Ewwwwwwwww.

Should be a fun project Icon_lol


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Ahem....I hope whoever gave it to you alo paid you to get it.
For free I would not even look at it.

You are a bave man.


All I can say is...what a mess! Please show us pictures after you complete it..

Good luck,

Also do not forget including picture of yourself when you compete it. (I think my kid is gonna be outta colege by then) Icon_lol

the only question I have is- WHY?Icon_lol If you can do anything with this UM- radio, you are a better man than I Gunga Din!!!!!!!
Lotsa luck!

Why ? There are plenty of less abused radios out there. If I were nearer I would bring some by.
Good Luck

Maybe he, like me, enjoys a good challenge. Helps keep your brain from getting old and helps hone your skills.


When you took on that piece of scrap metal a couple of months ago I thought highly of you but I also thought this is as close to the limit of the reasonable as it gets without getting masochistic.
Well, this one is really...that. While I will be a great admirer of Kirk once he finishes it (I have no doubts he will) I still think it is a bit overboard. This is no longer a restoration, it is partly repro project as part of cabinet is missing.

And the chassis is order of mag rustier than yours was.

I still wonder what Kirk coughed up for it Icon_smile

Kirk, c'mon, spill the beans. How much?!!!

Another cabinet would be nice, never know. Chassis doesn't look that awful, might need a donor for the coils. Best!

$40 mike.
I know it was a total waste but like Brenda said, Its a challenge and is really fun too. Well, usually fun Icon_lol
If not I will sell it to you for $39.99

The 45 was a repro but it doesn't matter to me. its the only non working radio I have in my collection. This will be the second Icon_lolno

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
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AC: 4 DC: 1
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My advice is to NOT plug it in to see if it works :-)

Awww... why not? I bet that rectifier runs very cool without that glass to hold in all the heat. Icon_smile

It looks like the Wily Coyote used it to try and take out the Road Runner. Are you sure that radio isn't made by Acme?

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)


If I take it from you for 39.99 then only to put it on the museum shelf to show what the unrestored radios look like sometimes.
I would call it "Extreme Restoration Museum".
Or maybe "radios fom the crypt".
Or "the communications of the Pharao's era".

It would be nice to be able to see a picture of this radio with a top, lol
Then I would at least know what I am aiming for. I have found one picture and it stinks, is painted red, and only of the front. it is a Silvertone model 45 if anyone has a photo.

I do have another 80 tube so it should go on if I replace it?

I will go try it now!

Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6

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