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37 116 Standard chassis tuner

Is the tuning mechanism the same as the standard version on the deluxe chassis? If not, does anyone know what radios used the same mechanism as the standard so I can swap it out?

I have two deluxe chassis and one very nice standard cabinet. I am trying to make one radio from the parts I have.


I never saw the version with Shadow without Teledial, but I cannot imagine them to be the same as 90% of the Teledial mechanism is there to serve its function, including the mute switch etc. I would think the version without the Teledial should only have the vernier (turn gear) and coupling, there is simply no need for anything else.

Sounds like you need a 37-670 junker; the dial scale is the same as a 37-116 Standard, and I *think* the mechanism is also the same.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks. My other option is to cut the cabinet hole to fit the deluxe.

Ill have both cabinets side by side in a few weeks so I will see if that works. All depends on where the standard hole lines up with the deluxe hole which is larger.

SteveJB Wrote:Thanks. My other option is to cut the cabinet hole to fit the deluxe.


I might have the mechanism you need...if you are not in a hurry. I have three 37-670 chassis, and I hope to use all three to make one good, working chassis. So I won't need one of the dial assemblies. But I am extremely busy on a house project at present, and I have next to zero spare time. What little spare time I have, I spend on here. Icon_smile

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks Ron. I am in no hurry. I wont get to it until the winter. Thank you for your offer.


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