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Philco 511 Restoration and Questions

Well I made a mistake before I ever completed the RC Couple.

There was no noise coming from the test speaker because I used enameled copper wire to connect it to the speaker post and didn't realize it was acting as an insulator instead of a conductor. The copper wire I used off the test speaker to the two speaker post is enameled dipped, no conductivity on the outside coating. What I fool I am to have just realized this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a result because of my mistake, could the 1st AF trans still be good? with that meg ohm reading?? Perhaps I will take away the RC-Couple and try the AF trans again.

I completed the RC Couple on the 1st A.F. Transformer. I double checked my work, everything is on properly. There is sound out of the test speaker. But it is just a cycle hum. No static, stations, or any other noise no matter how I manipulate the controls. I tested the R.F. Coils, all within just a few ohms, good. All the rest of the chokes test good. Could the set be way off on alignment to where it will not pick up any stations?


"A Minute of Care is Worth an Hour of Repair" circa 1930.

So do you have 90-100vdc on pin 2 of all of your #26 toobs???


(10-12-2015, 06:21 AM)Radioroslyn Wrote:  So do you have 90-100vdc on pin 2 of all of your #26 toobs???


Yes exactly between 90-100 VDC on all the plates of the 26 tubes.  I am going to try and swap a few out, see if that does anything.


"A Minute of Care is Worth an Hour of Repair" circa 1930.

So what do you have on pin2 of the 27 tube and if you touch pin3 the set should give out with loud buzz. Check#20 for open should be about 2megs. After this you'll need to break out the signal generator.


Just out of curiosity last night I injected the antenna into the 3rd RF stage grid. I picked up faint stations for the first time!

I injected the antenna into the 2nd RF stage grid. I picked up faint stations for the second time!

I injected the antenna into the 1st RF stage grid. NO STATIONS WERE PICKED UP.

So I was able to isolate the problem to the first stage. The antenna tuner coil tested good. I retraced my wiring around this location. ENDS UP, I HAD ONE SIDE OF A BYPASS CAP CONNECTED TO THE ANTENNA TUNER COIL, WHEN IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE CONNECTED TO GROUND.

I disconnected and temporarily jumpered that side of the cap to ground and the set is now working just normal! What a fool I am, but I guess that is what trouble shooting is all about.

NOW, HOW TO ALIGHN THE SET?  I think this set is a Neutrodyne.


"A Minute of Care is Worth an Hour of Repair" circa 1930.

(10-13-2015, 02:44 PM)Philco281989 Wrote:  NOW, HOW TO ALIGHN THE SET?

The procedure may be found here:

and, yes, it is a Neutrodyne. Neutrodyne-Plus, to be exact.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Ron, thank you.


"A Minute of Care is Worth an Hour of Repair" circa 1930.

Hello All,

Wanted to give a final update.  The radio was just about right on with alignment.  I decided not to neutralize the set as it has been playing great for over 10 hours within a couple of days.  No oscillation, howling, or anything.

For a 1928 set, she sounds pretty good.  I retraced the wiring one last time and made sure all tubes were in their correct sockets.   The Heathkit T-2 is the test speaker I had on hand with a universal output transformer.  It worked great.  The owner has the proper speaker or has a different one to use with the set.

Thank you all for the help you provided on this restoration.  It's complete!


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"A Minute of Care is Worth an Hour of Repair" circa 1930.

Nice work on this 511,it will help when I get to the 514 I just bought.

Did you restuff the cap block ??

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