Ok so I have this speaker I pick up from ebay some time ago. Now I am trying to identify which radio it came from.
It's 8 inch with a 32-7019 output transformer on it and fits my 38-10T. You can see the part number on the field coil. I have look at the speakers.zip file and the only number that I can find is the output trans. The field coil measures 1090 ohm dc.
Can anybody identify it?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, let's use the Philco Speakers Excel file to help figure this thing out logically.
Output transformer 32-7019 was used on the following Philco speakers: S-7, S-12, S-14, S-16, S-19. Also SB but the field coil of the SB is much smaller than that shown in the photo above.
The fields of all of the speakers listed are rated at 1140 ohms DC. 1090 ohms is close enough.
I agree with Steve, it is most likely an S-7 as that speaker was used with several different Philco chassis.
'Fraid not. The Philco Service Bulletin upon which my Excel spreadsheet is based gives different part numbers for the field coils than what we see on them. Don't ask me why - I don't know!