02-03-2016, 08:21 AM
I an getting ready to start on my 70 cabinet and really I all ready have, starting with the reproduction front panel from Steve Davis. I picked this 70 up an auction for $25 if I remember right. Its complete even with (KIRKS) copper cans in back (just kidding), draw back on this set was the front panel is not factory and looks pretty bad . The dial bezel was gone (escutcheon) and I tracked one down off flea bays department store I did start on the front panel and finished it while I was working on the scott console, the panel looks great, thanks to Steve for making a great reproduction. The cabinet itself is tight and there aren't any veneer issues to speak of, now as long as the speaker is good and transformer isn't fried I think I did pretty good on this . It will look awesome when I am finished with it