02-09-2016, 01:17 PM
(02-07-2016, 06:21 PM)462ron Wrote: Lou, the pin doesnt go in, you need to pull it out. Use a magnetic pickup tool or similar and the pin should come out. Put this assembly on a towel to catch all the small parts that will fall out.
I bought a small rare earth strong magnet and that pulled the pin out nicely. So thanks for the advice. Now cleaning everything and hope those bearings are still good. Luckily I did this in the den and not my shop because some pieces like that spring went flying and I had to find them in the rug with that magnet ;-)
I do not think there was a bearing between the know of the vernier shaft and the head of that rivet looking pin that goes atop the spring... I hope. If so I will need to keep looking for another bearing.
[Image: http://www.louhaskell.com/data/philco-ve...pieces.jpg]