03-26-2016, 03:14 PM
Hi everyone , I’m working on 1937-philco model 37-116 . I just finished recapping, changed the power resistors, all the electrolitics, rubber chassis mounts, added an exterior fuse, new/ 3 pull on/off /bass/bass switch, new dial, cloth grill and some other things I just can think of now. The recapping was a lot work and time consuming !! As of now i’m over 100 hours and counting. The problem I have now is the voice coil in the speaker is bad. I do have a speaker paper that is the same size. When I was about 3/4 the way done with the recapping,I fired it up. It played well with another speaker tied into the old speaker transformer. Does anyone on this fine board, known where I can purchase a voice coil that will work. I did check on line, but so far negative results. also does anyone know how many ohms this speaker is? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jeff