04-01-2016, 11:08 PM
Hello Russ, I have always admired your incredible attention to detail and the very fine craftsmanship that you apply in your radios. You are very talented in all fazes of restoration of these antique radios and as a matter of fact you have always inspired me to become a better cabinet refinisher and also keeping up the determination to be the best of the best and always strive to do better. I have learned from screwing stuff up and coming right back and fixing it and that's the way we learn and makes us better and better at what we do in life. I do struggle at the electrical part of my restorations but do have help from guys in my club and my good friend Dick Morgan an Old timer that really knows these radios but time spent with him is very little and time is running out. Keep up with the excellent work and as always I enjoy seeing your work on the forum's and on your web site. So long from Dallas Russ. Sincerely, Frederick W .Taylor