04-13-2016, 02:00 PM
I have done a detailed Voltage check, along with a resistance check on my 89B. It WILL NOT oscillate! The O-coil isn't open but has evidently lost its Q. I also used a tracer/injector to inject signal into the top caps. Every one but the oscillator tube (36), I can hear my tone. But the 36 acts dead! Underneath, I can inject signal and get a tone on the coils, even on the block condensers that are in the signal chain.
So I am forced to pull the O-coil and cook the water molecules out. si-i-i-i-igh....well, there are only 5 wires attached to it.
If I have to, i'll install a 77 in place of the (*&(&%^$) 36. There's a how-to article on Chuck Schwark's Philco Repair Bench site for that job. I'll have to swap out even the tube socket! 36 is a 5-pin tube, 77 has 6 pins. And I will have to rewind the O-coil. That's a real job! Wish me luck!
So I am forced to pull the O-coil and cook the water molecules out. si-i-i-i-igh....well, there are only 5 wires attached to it.
If I have to, i'll install a 77 in place of the (*&(&%^$) 36. There's a how-to article on Chuck Schwark's Philco Repair Bench site for that job. I'll have to swap out even the tube socket! 36 is a 5-pin tube, 77 has 6 pins. And I will have to rewind the O-coil. That's a real job! Wish me luck!