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Pacific 'Raleigh' 6-valve - a beautiful mongrel

Time for an update on this radio.  Since I last posted I've found out a few things and guessed a few others.


First - I don't think, given the volume of radios that Pacific sold and the quality of them that they would have sold this originally as a battery set.  The speaker install is shonky to say the least, with very roughly gouged out timber to make it fit - and that coupled with the valve card... well, I'm just not buying it.  I think someone has installed the 7B1 battery set chassis and speaker some time later... maybe it was a city radio that went to live on the farm and had a transplant for that role... until the farm got electricity and then it went for a retransplant - but instead of seeing a doctor they went to see a butcher.

Second - I have a possible schematic.  This one uses 2.5V versions of the valves but otherwise seems very likely.  I have a RCNZ chart which shows the 108 was the first 'aero-dial' chassis that Radio Corp of NZ made (in 1934).  Given that a lot of other sets with RCNZ chassis' still had half-moon dials at that time and even in 1935 then this just seems to be the most likely option based on the options I have.  All these valves are direct replacements for the lineup on the card - just lower filament voltages (from what I can tell) - so presumably the schematic would work if I just replaced the valve codes with 6D6 6A7 6D6 6B7 42...

Third - I've found someone... well, not just someone but the actual owner of the Pacific Elite that caused a stir on the ARF when it went up for sale a few years back.  For those who don't know - this is the Pacific Elite:

This is important because its the same year, same valve lineup, same dial, same knobs.  99.9% certain this is the same chassis that mine would have had.  So I have a 'pattern'.

I was able to track down the owner of the one who's photos are used in the RadioMuseum listing for the Elite using a bit of sleuthing.  He lives at the other end of the country but has said I'm welcome any time to come and check his one out and take photos, trace the schematic etc.  Awesome.  He's also provided me with a couple of photos which help.


This tells me a few useful things:
 - The badging I have on my chassis is for a battery set and is not the same as the mains set
 - The dial light mechanism is different between battery and mains sets
 - The valve shield bases are different to most RCNZ chassis' and look like the Philco ones that get mangled to fit metal valves in (what model do they come from?  I wonder if they would be suitable donors).
 - My battery set chassis will not do the job.

More to come... the ongoing saga continues...

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Pacific 'Raleigh' 6-valve - a beautiful mongrel - by kiwi_steve - 08-01-2016, 03:48 AM

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