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Model 90 AVC and sensitivity

I got My Model 90 (1-47 tube) chassis cleaned up, re-capped and aligned the best I could (thanks to Dave for lending me his Eico 324!), and so far it seems to be working pretty well. I burned it in overnight, and everything looks pretty stable. All my strong, local stations come in loud and clear, and after a LONG time twiddling the plastic wrench (made out of a Bic pen held over a candle and shoved onto a 1/4-inch bolt head), all the stations appear right where they belong on the dial. Icon_razz

Two things perplex me about this radio: 1. it's supposed to have AVC, but there is a HUGE difference in volume between the strongest and the weakest stations that it receives. Fidelity is fine, and there's no excessive noise, but man, WCCO comes blasting out at 830, and Radio K just whispers in at 770. Is there some adjustment I need to make to get the AVC working?

2. The set isn't all that sensitive, even with my outdoor long wire attached. It gets all the major stations here in the Twin Cities area, but weaker regional stations just aren't there. Night time DXing isn't very good, either. The ones it can pull in sound great, full and strong, but there's no middle ground: it either receives the station or it doesn't. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Model 90 AVC and sensitivity - by mgutierres - 09-19-2009, 05:13 PM

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