This is the result of a want ad I put up on Craigslist. I wanted a Zenith to go along with my big RCA, solid state console stereo and this is the result barely 24 hours after putting the ad up! Yep, I've gone off the rails on the crazy train again! Not only has this console come from the original family that owned it since new, it is the tube/transistorized hybrid model that I have always thought were odd pieces. It does play, but the volume on FM is low. According to the eye tube it's pulling in the stations well, but just low volume. There are two possible issues that could be causing this. One, the 6JK8 and 6EA8 tubes are both weak and I don't have any good spares right now. Also, in spite of multiple cleanings, the two FM selections are still very scratchy and dirty. Either way, I plan on getting this reworked over in the future. I guess the changer is belt driven and I can tell it is slipping some. Still, it cycles fine once up to speed and even that folding 45 spindle works good.
At five foot, seven inches, this is the biggest stereo console I will ever own. Oddly, I can't find any information on this model.
At five foot, seven inches, this is the biggest stereo console I will ever own. Oddly, I can't find any information on this model.
No matter where you go, there you are.