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detector coil replacement on 32 Volt Delco Farm Radio

Thanks for the idea, Terry. After replacing the antenna coil....which also had an open primary....with a similar antenna coil I had in my parts stash, we tried a 10K resistor and an 85 mmf cap (you said 50 - 100 mmf), connected as you said. The radio now receives the local station (1470) loud and clear, and other stations along the dial down to 920. Below that I don't receive anything. I should get 620 AM blaring, as that's the powerhouse station out of Milwaukee.

Do you think going higher or lower with the value of the 10K resistor would help find the lower end of the dial (or likewise with the mmf cap)? I haven't yet attempted an alignment, which also could have an effect. Right now the detector coil is out of the chassis and gator wired in (along with the resistor and mmf cap).

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

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