02-02-2006, 10:22 PM
You didn't throw anything out of whack there with those cap replacements. Sounds like you have to start tracing the wiring against the schematic to be sure your re-wiring is correct. Osc coils, bandswitch, etc.
If not even a 470 kHz modulated test signal from your sig gen is getting through to the audio section, you have a problem in the detector and or IF. If you do hear the modulation tone from your gen through the IF, then the fornt end has the problem.
If not even a 470 kHz modulated test signal from your sig gen is getting through to the audio section, you have a problem in the detector and or IF. If you do hear the modulation tone from your gen through the IF, then the fornt end has the problem.
Chuck Schwark,
The Philco Repair Bench
[Image: http://www.philcorepairbench.com/images/philog3tiny.gif]