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Realistic Clarinette 40

I said I would eventually make a separate topic about my recent 70's stereo phinds, so here is the first. This little guy has come a long way since I found it as a sawdust covered lump waiting for the trash man. The once forlorn looking Realistic has now become a nice little 'plastic wonder' of a 1978 stereo that really seems to like the Zenith Allegro 1000 speakers I have it currently paired up with. Still needs a few tweaks, but a final cleaning of the controls now has this unit almost perfect on balance and I can't really get it better without detaching the controls from the output board to get a direct shot into them. Not gonna do that and take a chance of killing the poor thing! The BSR record changer has come a good ways too. I might try some rubber renew on the idler first and also try to find a better 45 adapter. The one I have fits, but the changer doesn't seem to like it. Also, need a 'C' or 'E' clip for the platter. Right now I am listening to show tunes the local FM station is playing ranging from the late 40's to the early 60's.


Next up might be the 1972 Electrophonic once I get it out to be recapped. Found a nice set of Sears/Fisher speakers to pair up with it. Actually, even the Realistic gets along with those speakers as well.

No matter where you go, there you are.

Messages In This Thread
Realistic Clarinette 40 - by Jayce - 07-08-2018, 02:27 PM

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