08-03-2010, 02:34 PM
Yesterday after a disappointing trip to the Hartville Flea Martket (don't get me started on it), I stopped in at an antiques shop nearby and bought an unusual little General Electric radio. I initially mistook it for an old intercom as it looks alot like one! Turned out it is a model GD-60 am "compact" radio with five tubes and one ballast tube. Radio is complete and in decent shape, but there was one moment of panic. I pulled the chassis to inspect it and was presented with a crumpled, butchered, crumbling, and flaking asbestos pad! ARG! I grabbed a dust mask and some disposable gloves and hauled the cabinet outside for an asbestos removal. I managed to get it removed, sealed in a plastic bag and disposed of safely. If it had been intact I would have left it alone, but this thing was falling apart! Plenty of vents in the bottom of the cabinet to keep things cool though. I will have thise little guy rebuilt soon. It is kinda unique looking.
No matter where you go, there you are.