10-30-2018, 07:49 AM
I'm chipping away at it every day. Little by little.
Putting it back together.
Haven't decided if I want to replace the selenium rectifier. It looks deceitfully new.
I decided to power it up and see the voltage. If it is where it should be - I will leave it be, if not - I will replace it with a 1N4007 and an extra resistor. The value of the resistor will be determined by the voltage output.
Putting it back together.
Haven't decided if I want to replace the selenium rectifier. It looks deceitfully new.
I decided to power it up and see the voltage. If it is where it should be - I will leave it be, if not - I will replace it with a 1N4007 and an extra resistor. The value of the resistor will be determined by the voltage output.
People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.