11-01-2018, 11:43 PM
Quote rfeenstra: "Wow! A little less than stellar performances. Did like the Radio Bar, though. I want one, but only willing to pay double original retail."
I concur, though I don't think that Bogey's part was a less then stellar performance, but like the early 80s rendition of Scarface, most of the movie was a pile of fromage aside from Al Pachino's performance carrying the film. I also agree with you regarding the Radiobar, but I would like an inclined sounding board "X" model Philco more, possibly a model 115X, though a 16X would do nicely as well. I've only seen one on the market nearish to me, it was a model 91X (or was it 391X?) the set was a basket case, trashed speakers, no knobs or escutcheon, and too far away, most Canadian Philco cabinets seem to have been low or highboys, even as late as 1936.
I concur, though I don't think that Bogey's part was a less then stellar performance, but like the early 80s rendition of Scarface, most of the movie was a pile of fromage aside from Al Pachino's performance carrying the film. I also agree with you regarding the Radiobar, but I would like an inclined sounding board "X" model Philco more, possibly a model 115X, though a 16X would do nicely as well. I've only seen one on the market nearish to me, it was a model 91X (or was it 391X?) the set was a basket case, trashed speakers, no knobs or escutcheon, and too far away, most Canadian Philco cabinets seem to have been low or highboys, even as late as 1936.