02-02-2019, 08:47 PM
The Superb Owl made it in the New York Times front page today! https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/sport...b-owl.html
It doesn't mention me, and I have no way of knowing if I first invented it or not. [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...iggrin.gif] If I did, I release it to the public domain. But if someone else wrote it before I did, I can't. [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif]
About ten years ago the NFL was making advertisers stop saying "Superbowl" in their commercials. So most went to "the big game". To make some fun of this I thought up "Superb Owl" [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif] There was one commercial for chip dip or some such food item for football games that said "That would be super, like a bowl of our dip..." So I thought up "Superb Owl" [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...iggrin.gif] And started a yearly tradition of asking the lame question..... [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif]
It doesn't mention me, and I have no way of knowing if I first invented it or not. [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...iggrin.gif] If I did, I release it to the public domain. But if someone else wrote it before I did, I can't. [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif]
About ten years ago the NFL was making advertisers stop saying "Superbowl" in their commercials. So most went to "the big game". To make some fun of this I thought up "Superb Owl" [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif] There was one commercial for chip dip or some such food item for football games that said "That would be super, like a bowl of our dip..." So I thought up "Superb Owl" [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...iggrin.gif] And started a yearly tradition of asking the lame question..... [Image: http://www.antiqueradios.com/forums/imag...rgreen.gif]