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Helio Electric Co. - Carbon Arc Lamp, Near Operational

In the early 50's these were just being removed from the city of New Bedford MA. I remember them distinctly hanging on Kempton street. Some, for years (unused) while a new incandescent was nearby. Back then, the local power company maintained them. I have seen bits of fixtures at yard sales but that was 50ya.

Going to be tough to find the bits. I would suggest making acquaintance or trying to reach former city employees or municipal electrical workers. At the age of these lamps many such folks are deep into retirement. However, like many of us collectors, find these gadgets interesting and may have taken some home I can imagine them resting in a dusty cellar or garage loft waiting to be discovered...

For example, a local, once had a sodium fixture from the George Washington Bridge illuminating the front of his garage...

This is just as tough as collecting police call boxes, fire alarm boxes, fire plugs and vintage man-hole covers...


Pliny the younger
“nihil novum nihil varium nihil quod non semel spectasse sufficiat”

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RE: Helio Electric Co. - Carbon Arc Lamp, Near Operational - by Chas - 03-29-2019, 09:42 AM

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