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Unknown cathedral radio... HELP !

Thank you KCMike! I used that link, and came up with only one radio that matched my line up of tubes, an Autocrat Jr. 4. I looked up the schematic, and at first glance it looks very close. I will have to print it out, and cross match it more carefully. None of the other 4 tube radios it came up with have the same tube line up. The Jr. 4 matches mine closely, a simple TRF receiver, type 57 1st RF amp, type 57 detector, type 47 audio amp, type 80 rectifier. One thing I have noticed though, the schematic for the Jr. 4 seems to only have a volume control, and the tuning, i.e. the ganged variable condense, two controls in all. My set has 3. It has the volume control connected exactly the same as shown in the schematic for the Jr. 4. The 2 gangs of the variable condenser also are the same connections. The third control seems to be a tone control connected to the Type 47 tube, a feature not on the Jr. 4. So we still have a mystery. At least now I have a jumping off place to begin to look at my set more closely.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unknown cathedral radio... HELP ! - by KCMike - 07-01-2019, 07:04 AM
RE: Unknown cathedral radio... HELP ! - by mikethedruid - 07-01-2019, 10:41 AM

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