09-10-2019, 09:08 AM
All the under chassis work is done. The electrolytic condensers replaced, the power resistors are in. One thing I noticed when replacing the electrolytic condensers, the originals were Aerovox 8 MFD, 600 Volt condensers. They all appeared to be originals to the radio. Interestingly, the schematic calls for 2 10 MFD and one 18 MFD condensers! I replaced the originals with 2 10 MFD and 1 20 MFD 600 Volt condensers per the schematic. I didn't bother re-stuffing the originals since there was plenty of room for the replacements under the chassis. As you all know, I am not one who tries to hide my work from the underside of the chassis. I figure, if someday someone else has to work on this radio, it is better if they know what has already been done.