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Suggestions for a good digital signal/function generator?

Hi Ron!!

I've replied to this on ARF.  I use a pair of HP 8640B's and I also have an HP3312A function generator.  In addition I've got the Berkeley Nucleonics 625A, which is an Arbitrary Waveform Generator.  It's basically the same generator that you've sited in your original post here.  It's what I use for FM alignment.   Berkeley is building B&K AWG's that go for about $1300.  Mike on AFR is right, that if you look at E-Bay long enough, or travel to the Dayton Hamvention, you'll find REALLY GOOD stuff cheap.  That said, you need to be able to fix some of that stuff too.  That's what usually fouls up many folks.  They don't have the ability to fix something that needs fixed.  I have NOT used any of the new Chinese gear, but both pieces you site can be had for less that $100 and I've seen the 40 Mhz version for $88.  I'm fairly sure, after reading several posts here on the same generator, that you're going to be happy with one of them.  I will say this:  NONE of the new digital generators are that user friendly.  They are all a computer, in a test equipment box.  So you have a learning curve.  The shielding issue mentioned on ARF is probably not an issue.  You could internally shield the RF generation portion and have no leakage out of the box.  For the price, I'd try it.  You have a warranty and if you buy it from a reputable dealer and you don't like it or it doesn't work, you can send it back.

Kim Herron W8ZV
w8zv at

Messages In This Thread
RE: Suggestions for a good digital signal/function generator? - by W8ZV - 09-28-2019, 02:43 PM

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