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Starting on the Philco 610 from 1936

I've done some power transformer voltage measurements : 
One side of the high voltage secondary measures 400 volts,
the other side seems to have the 4 in the wrong decimal place Icon_mad ,
and the rectifier filament voltage is just 332 volts. Icon_twisted

I measured  continuity of the rectifier filament and there is none, verifying the worse...a shorted power transformer.  At least now, I don't have to 2nd-guess whether I damaged it after I got it, (re-insulating the leads, like what happened with the 39-6CI.)

So, for now, back in the cabinet the chassis goes,  until I start shopping for another (2nd) power transformer (unless I decide to take on re-winding both of them).  But , at least I satisfied my Kirk-inspired curiosity. Icon_rolleyes

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RE: Starting on the Philco 610 from 1936 - by Jake Blake - 10-12-2019, 10:35 AM

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