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Just picked up a 1936 Philco 116B Tombstone Radio Today and need some info on it

Well I got my new 37 Tube today and popped it in to my radio in place of the 84/6Z4 tube that was in there and the radio perked up quite a bit, and the reception on the AM band improved greatly to the point that I was able to pick up WOWO AM 1190 out of Fort Wayne, Indiana which it was barely doing before. 

But there's still motorboating/oscillations going on on the SW bands yet which didn't go away when I installed that correct tube, which I'm wondering if its because the shield over the oscillator tube (the 76 Tube) is missing. 
I have shields installed over both 77 tubes (which both of them were missing their shields and I had some old ST tube style shields from another old radio I scrapped out that I stuck on there for the time being but they aren't a proper fit).
I've looked all over ebay and all I could find were the later square shaped ST tube shields for the later 116B radios, I couldn't find any of the early 116B rounded style shields. 
Does anyone on here have some Rounded style Philco 116B Tube Shields that they could send me? 
I need 3 of them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Just picked up a 1936 Philco 116B Tombstone Radio Today and need some info on it - by captainclock1988 - 01-09-2020, 02:44 PM

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