01-02-2021, 02:57 PM
Thank you I'm going to go back and measure my voltages. I've been using a variac and isolation transformer with my set. I bring the voltage up to about 110 115. The radio has been performing well and the resistors do not discolor or have any other problems. I'm going to go back and check my voltages just for good measure. Thank you for the info. It looks like my b+ voltage is about 254
Thank you I'm going to go back and measure my voltages. I've been using a variac and isolation transformer with my set. I bring the voltage up to about 110 115. The radio has been performing well and the resistors do not discolor or have any other problems. I'm going to go back and check my voltages just for good measure. Thank you for the info. It looks like my b+ voltage is about 254