01-21-2021, 10:05 AM
Hi Shaun, the values for modern capacitors are pretty close to original. If you want to replace a .05mfd the closest modern value is .047, .033 replaces .03 and these will work just fine. If you go with exact values then look at paying for it. Stay with the poly film caps at 630 volts. The original waxies are 20% tolerance. The large tubular parts with the polarity marked are the power supply filter caps which are called electrolytic capacitors. Replace them with aluminum electrolytics of similar values. That blue cap is a paper from a different maker, probably a replacement. It's difficult to say what the connector is for. Usually external connections are for speakers or phonograph input. A check with the schematic will tell. While you replace the caps test the resistors and replace the ones that are 10-20% over. Most of your resistors are half watt but you can check the parts list for the correct size. Those squarish molded parts are mica capacitors and rarely go bad. Check back in with your questions and progress. Plenty of help here.