01-29-2021, 10:09 PM
I am working on a US 71H with the shadow meter escutcheon but no meter was wired in. I bought a meter from another collectors part radio (model 91 I think). Looking at that chassis it looks a little earlier than mine as .5mfd cap in the can on the back wall (part no 3583) was moved into the big can perpendicular to the ,5mfd near the center of the radio in the later version. R23 (1M Ohm) is present here as well and its is removed for the incorporation of the meter. Goes from the 1st IF(12) to the RF choke(8). While mine didn't have the meter, it did have R23 removed. By the way that is a awesomely colorful cap in the center. Looks like a flag that should be waved at a football match. The dual speaker version is I am certain, going to sound rich. Good luck.